Aquarium fish are amongst nature’s most beautiful and sumptuous spectacles. So why show them in a drab, regular aquarium? What’s more, inside a traditional aquarium, your fishes’ stunning colours are muted.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Your biOrb aquarium has ‘functional beauty’. Here award winning, elegant, minimalist design is not enough … how your biOrb performs is equally im-portant.
For example, biOrbs are made with acrylic instead of glass.
Why? Because acrylic is incredibly strong – it’s what aeroplane windows are made from.
Acrylic is also a good insulator and you don’t lose much heat. So if you need to heat your biOrb, you only need a small amount of energy to do it.
These are two ‘functional’ benefits of acrylic. What about the ‘beauty’?
Thick glass always has a green tint – acrylic doesn’t. And acrylic allows 23% more light to pass through.
Your biOrb bursts with colour and life in a way you may never have seen before.
Lift your spirits
Your biOrb won’t just lift your spirits day after day. Anyone who sees it will be left open-mouthed with wonder.
No matter which biOrb you choose, there is quite simply nothing else like it. With their minimalist design, every biOrb has bags of style.
And the astonishing clarity of the acrylic is why many describe looking at a biOrb as “watching fish in high definition”.
Just picture your guests’ reaction each and every time they see yours.

Your unique underwater world
Just as the combination of fish in your biOrb is unique, so will be the world you give them.
Take your pick from biOrb’s 200+ ornaments, plants and accessories.
You can even fit your biOrb with a remote-controlled, 16-colour, mood lighting unit.
This allows you to recreate day and night (with the ris-ing and setting of the moon and sun) … or change the mood of your aquarium at the touch of a button.

There’s no point having a spectacular aquarium if it’s a time sapping nuisance to maintain.
Here, once again, biOrb’s ‘functional beauty’ comes to the rescue. Allowing you to keep your fish with the minimum of work.
Firstly, everything you need comes in the box.
Simply plug it in and switch it on. Like magic, your biOrb aquarium replicates your fishes’ natural environment.
It’s easier for you to care for them too. Because nature does more of the work.
Depending on your choice of species, you may only need around 15 minutes of maintenance per month.

Over time this structure is populated with good bacteria that neutralises ammonia and nitrates from the fish.
Tested in Germany
Hannover’s University of Veterinary Medicine tested this system in one of their labs.
Over three months they found biOrb tanks performed well in all major categories – including optics, oxygenation, fish behaviour and filtration.

biOrb owners worry less about delicate chemical balances and grime.
Because a biOrb lets nature do more of the work for you. All you have to do is give it a helping hand.
The big difference is your biOrb’s filtration system. It’s fitted where most of the waste goes – to the bottom of the tank.
Any waste particles must pass through a bed of ceramics made from clay fired at 1500°C.